in Saint-Emilion
Useful addresses
In order to facilitate you trip in Saint-Emilion, here is a list of useful addresses

Atelier du Vin
The Atelier du Vin is a creator of tools for wine, from cellar to table, from knowledge to pleasures of tasting. Our experience and our policy of innovation serve the pleasures of wine: and yours!
Ets Martin – 1st storey
25, rue Guadet - 33330 Saint-Emilion
Ets Martin - 1er étage
Site :
Tel. 05 57 74 43 44 - Fax : 05 57 74 43 42

1st Grand Crus Classé B
Individuals and groups : on appointment, from Monday to Friday.
Visit - Tasting : 9.15€/pers for individual and groups.
Length of the visit : 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Capacity : 20 persons maximum.
Sale price at the property : : bottles from 100€.
Email :
Site :
Tel. 05 57 24 71 39- Fax : 05 57 24 68 56

1st Grand Crus Classé B
Individuals and groups : appointment, from Monday to Friday.
Length of the visit : 1 hour.
Capacity : 30 persons.
Annual closure : August.
Presentation of the property, visits of the wine storehouses and cellars, tasting.
No direct sale.
Email :
Site :
Tel. 05 57 24 72 26 - Fax : 05 57 74 45 74

Arnaud et Florence de la Filolie
Grand Cru Classé
Individuals and groups : on appointment, every day
Visit - Tasting : free for individuals - 5€/pers. For groups (depends on groups and services).
Length of the visit : 30minutes to 1 hour.
Capacity : 50 persons.
Sale price at the property : bottled from 20€.
Visit of the vats room, barrels wine storehouse. Digital video film (cutting back, lightening, wine harvests, cooperage...). Tasting of a vintage wine (several in accordance with the request). Possibility of introduction to tasting.
Email :
Site :
Tel. 05 57 24 70 80- Fax : 05 57 74 60 11

Saint-Emilion Great Wine
Visit : On appointment
Capacity : 10 persons.
Locality "Le Sème"
33 330 Saint-Hipollyte
Tel. 05 57 55 24 45 - Fax : 05 57 55 24 44